All Conversations

Life in the Time of COVID
Mentioned:  Alan Guth, Peter Galison
Mentioned:  Jared Diamond
Life In the Time of COVID
Mentioned:  Nick Bostrom
Mentioned:  Daniel C. Dennett, David Chalmers
Mentioned:  Roger Penrose, David Chalmers
Mentioned:  David Chalmers, Susan Schneider, Donald D. Hoffman, Steven Pinker
With a Foreword by Daniel Kahneman
Predictive Processing and the Nature of Conscious Experience
Mentioned:  David Chalmers, Daniel C. Dennett
Contributor(s): Paul Davies, George Dyson, Julian Barbour, Stuart A. Kauffman, Freeman Dyson, Neil Gershenfeld, Leonard Susskind, John Brockman, Virginia Louise Trimble, Alan Guth, Gino Segre, Sara Lippincott, Emanuel Derman, Jeremy Bernstein, George Johnson, Seth Lloyd, W. Brian Arthur, W. Daniel Hillis, Frank Tipler, Karl Sabbagh, Daniel C. Dennett
Mentioned:  Stewart Brand, W. Daniel Hillis
On Possible Minds: Philosophy and AI with Daniel C. Dennett and David Chalmers
Contributor(s): Andy Clark
25 Ways of Looking at AI
Chapter 1 - "Wrong, but More Relevant Than Ever" - on Slate
Chapter 21 - "AIs Versus Four-Year-Olds" - First Serial on Smithsonian
Lightning talks by thirteen “Possible Minders” at the Brattle Theatre—a Harvard Bookstore Event
Chapter 5 - "What Can We Do?" - First Serial on Wired


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