News From:
[ Mon. Sep. 16. 2013 ]
An organization promoting intelligent design is asking that Ball State review four professors teaching honors science courses.
The Discovery Institute sent a 10-page letter to the university on Sept. 10, in regards to President Jo Ann Gora's July 31 statement that intelligent design is not a scientific theory and should not be addressed in science courses.
..."Discussions of intelligent design and creation science can have their place at Ball State in humanities or social science courses," Gora said in the statement. "However, even in such contexts, faculty must avoid endorsing one point of view over others."
In the new letter from the Seattle think-tank, "endorsing one point of view over others" is what they said some Ball State classes are doing.
...The letter focuses on Ranieri's single textbook for his course, "What is Your Dangerous Idea?: Today's Leading Thinkers on the Unthinkable," edited by John Brockman, whom the Discovery Institute considers a prominent atheist.
The Discovery Institute provides several selections from the book in its letter to Gora and the Board of Trustees, including the first paragraph from a chapter titled, "We are entirely alone."
... West said "What is Your Dangerous Idea?" is the only listed textbook for Ranieri's class, but there may be unlisted readings.
"Maybe Professor Ranieri provides balance elsewhere in the course," West said. "He doesn't list any other specific readings in his syllabus, so we're asking [for an investigation]." ...