joseph_traub's picture
Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University;...
dean_ornish's picture
Founder and President of the non-profit Preventive Medicine...
p_z_myers's picture
Biologist; Associate Professor, University of Minnesota,...
Thomas Chair as Distinguished Professor in the Department...
richard_dawkins's picture
Evolutionary Biologist; Emeritus Professor of the Public...
kevin_slavin's picture
Assistant Professor and Founder, Playful Systems, MIT Media...
andrian_kreye's picture
Editor-at-large of the German Daily Newspaper, Sueddeutsche...
corey_s__powell's picture
Senior Editor, Discover Magazine; Adjunct Professor,...
scott_sampson's picture
President & CEO, Science World British Columbia;...
david_m_eagleman's picture
Neuroscientist, Stanford University; Author, Incognito, Sum...
david_bodanis's picture
Writer; Futurist; Author, Einstein's Greatest Mistake
work has been exhibited at Tate Britain and the Institute...
gloria_origgi's picture
Philosopher and Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche...
antony_garrett_lisi's picture
Theoretical physicist
james_geary's picture
Deputy Curator, Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard...
dan_sperber's picture
Social and Cognitive Scientist; CEU Budapest and CNRS Paris...
christine_finn's picture
Archaeologist; Journalist; Author, Artifacts, Past Poetic
david_berreby's picture
Journalist; Author, Us and Them
bruce_parker's picture
Visiting Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology; Author...
betsy_devine's picture
Journalist, Author and Blogger
bart_kosko's picture
Information Scientist and Professor of Electrical...
robert_sapolsky's picture
Neuroscientist, Stanford University; Author, Behave
daniel_goleman's picture
Psychologist; Author (with Richard Davidson), Altered Traits
philippe_parreno's picture
French artist and filmmaker, of Algerian heritage.
henry_warwick's picture
artist, composer, and scientist
verena_huber_dyson's picture
1923-2016; Emeritus Professor, Formerly, Philosophy...
jamshed_bharucha's picture
Psychologist; President Emeritus, Cooper Union
gary_marcus's picture
Professor of Psychology, Director NYU Center for Language...
paul_w_ewald's picture
Professor of Biology, Amherst College; Author, Plague Time
alexander_vilenkin's picture
Professor of Physics and Director of the Institute of...
dominique_gonzalez_foerster's picture
Film projections, photography and spatial installations,
marco_iacoboni's picture
Neuroscientist; Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral...
hans_ulrich_obrist's picture
Curator, Serpentine Gallery, London; Editor: A Brief...
sam_harris's picture
Neuroscientist; Philosopher; Author, Making Sense
sherry_turkle's picture
Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of...
w_daniel_hillis's picture
Physicist, Computer Scientist, Co-Founder, Applied...
peter_schwartz's picture
Futurist; Senior Vice President for Global Government...
frank_wilczek's picture
Physicist, MIT; Recipient, 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics;...
daniel_c_dennett's picture
Philosopher; Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, Co...
randolph_nesse's picture
Research Professor of Life Sciences, Director (2014-2019),...
nassim_nicholas_taleb's picture
Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering, New York...
j_craig_venter's picture
A leading scientist of the 21st century for Genomic...
john_tooby's picture
Founder of field of Evolutionary Psychology; Co-director,...
maria_spiropulu's picture
Shang-Yi Ch’en Professor of Physics, California Institute...
kai_krause's picture
Software Pioneer; Philosopher; Author, A Realtime...
robert_shapiro's picture
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Senior Research...
eric_r_kandel's picture
Recipient, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 2002;...
mahzarin_banaji's picture
Department Chair; Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social...
oliver_morton's picture
Chief News and Features Editor
stefano_boeri's picture
Architect; Professor, Politecnico of Milan; Visiting...
paul_saffo's picture
Technology Forecaster; Consulting Associate Professor,...
seth_lloyd's picture
Professor of Quantum Mechanical Engineering, MIT; Author,...
ian_wilmut's picture
Chair of Reproductive Biology, Director Scottish Centre for...
austin_dacey's picture
Representative to the United Nations for the Center for...
lisa_randall's picture
Physicist, Harvard University; Author, Dark Matter and the...
brian_eno's picture
Artist; Composer; Recording Producer: U2, Coldplay, Talking...
david_m_buss's picture
Professor of Psychology, University of Texas, Austin;...
yochai_benkler's picture
Berkman Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies, Harvard...
marcel_kinsbourne's picture
Neurologist and Cognitive Neuroscientist, The New School;...
stephen_m_kosslyn's picture
Founding Dean, Minerva Schools at the Keck Graduate...
roger_highfield's picture
Director, External Affairs, Science Museum Group; Co-author...
anton_zeilinger's picture
Nobel laureate (2022 - Physics); Physicist, University of...
terence_koh's picture
max_tegmark's picture
Physicist, MIT; Researcher, Precision Cosmology; Scientific...
rupert_sheldrake's picture
biologist and author
neil_gershenfeld's picture
Physicist, Director, MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms;...
eric_fischl's picture
Visual Artists
martin_seligman's picture
Professor and Director, Positive Psychology Center,...
joel_garreau's picture
Principal, The Garreau Group
nicholas_a_christakis's picture
Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science, Yale...
monica_narula's picture
Artist, New Dehli; Member, Raqs Media Collective; Co-...
david_g_myers's picture
Professor of Psychology, Hope College; Co-author,...
april_gornik's picture
Visual Artists
k_eric_drexler's picture
Researcher; Policy Advocate; Author, Engines of Creation
david_gelernter's picture
Computer Scientist, Yale University; Chief Scientist,...
stewart_brand's picture
Founder, the Whole Earth Catalog; Co-founder, The Well; Co-...
dimitar_d_sasselov's picture
Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University; Director,...
marti_hearst's picture
Computer Scientist, UC Berkeley, School of Information;...
brian_knutson's picture
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience; Stanford...
patrick_bateson's picture
Professor of Ethology, Cambridge University; Co-author,...
paul_davies's picture
Theoretical physicist; cosmologist; astro-biologist; co-...
mihaly_csikszentmihalyi's picture
Psychologist; Director, Quality of Life Research Center,...
lee_smolin's picture
Physicist, Perimeter Institute; Author, Einstein's...
howard_rheingold's picture
Communications Expert; Author, Smart Mobs
alun_anderson's picture
Senior Consultant (and former Editor-in-Chief and...
aubrey_de_grey's picture
Gerontologist; Chief Science Officer, SENS Foundation;...
haim_harari's picture
Physicist, former President, Weizmann Institute of Science...
frank_tipler's picture
Professor of Mathematical Physics, Tulane University;...
susan_blackmore's picture
Psychologist; Visiting Professor, University of Plymouth;...
gregory_cochran's picture
Consultant; Adaptive Optics and Adjunct Professor of...
andy_clark's picture
Professor of Cognitive Philosophy, Department of Philosophy...
lewis_wolpert's picture
Professor of Biology
jesse_bering's picture
Psychologist; Associate Professor, Centre for Science...
stephen_schneider's picture
climatologist, is a professor in the Department of...
irene_pepperberg's picture
Research Associate & Lecturer, Harvard; Author, Alex...
keith_devlin's picture
Mathematician; Executive Director, H-STAR Institute,...
barry_c_smith's picture
Professor & Director, Institute of Philosophy School of...
emanuel_derman's picture
Professor, Financial Engineering, Columbia University;...
jonathan_haidt's picture
Social Psychologist; Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical...
steven_pinker's picture
Johnstone Family Professor, Department of Psychology;...
thomas_metzinger's picture
Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Johannes Gutenberg-...
lawrence_m_krauss's picture
Theoretical Physicist; Foundation Professor, School of...
ian_mcewan's picture
Novelist; Recipient, the Man Booker Prize for Fiction;...
david_dalrymple's picture
Research affiliate, MIT Media Lab
steve_nadis's picture
Contributing Editor to Astronomy Magazine and a freelance...
tor_n_rretranders's picture
Writer; Speaker; Thinker, Copenhagen, Denmark
carlo_rovelli's picture
Theoretical Physicist; Aix-Marseille University, in the...
gino_segre's picture
Professor of Physics & Astronomy, University of...
daniel_l_everett's picture
Linguistic Researcher; Dean of Arts and Sciences, Bentley...
john_d_barrow's picture
Cosmologist; Physicist; Professor of Mathematical Science,...
freeman_dyson's picture
Physicist, Institute of Advanced Study; Author, Disturbing...
gerald_holton's picture
Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Professor of the...
gregory_benford's picture
Emeritus Professor of Physics and Astronomy, UC-Irvine;...
lera_boroditsky's picture
Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science, UCSD
brian_goodwin's picture
Professor of Biology at Schumacher College
charles_seife's picture
Professor of Journalism, New York University; Former...
michael_shermer's picture
Publisher, Skeptic magazine; Monthly Columnist, Scientific...
alison_gopnik's picture
Psychologist, UC, Berkeley; Author, The Gardener and the...
alan_alda's picture
Actor; Writer; Director; Host, PBS program Brains on Trial...
nicholas_humphrey's picture
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, London School of...
james_j_odonnell's picture
Classics Scholar, University Librarian, ASU; Author, Pagans
helen_fisher's picture
Biological Anthropologist, Rutgers University; Author, Why...
mark_pagel's picture
Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Reading University, UK;...
ernst_p_ppel's picture
Head of Research Group Systems, Neuroscience and Cognitive...
laurence_c_smith's picture
Professor of Environmental Studies, Brown University;...
robert_provine's picture
Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, Baltimore...
clifford_pickover's picture
Author, The Math Book, The Physics Book, and The Medical...
donald_d_hoffman's picture
Cognitive Scientist, UC, Irvine; Author, The Case Against...
paul_j_steinhardt's picture
Albert Einstein Professor in Science, Departments of...
terrence_j_sejnowski's picture
Computational Neuroscientist; Francis Crick Professor, the...
kenneth_w_ford's picture
Retired Director of the American Institute of Physics
leo_m_chalupa's picture
Neurobiologist; Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology,...
stephon_h_alexander's picture
Professor of Physics at Brown University; Author, The Jazz...
richard_foreman's picture
Playwright & Director; Founder, The Ontological-...
stuart_a_kauffman's picture
Professor of Biological Sciences, Physics, Astronomy,...
christopher_j_anderson's picture
Curator, TED conferences, TED Talks; author, TED Talks
howard_gardner's picture
Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard...
roger_schank's picture
CEO, Socratic Arts Inc.; John Evans Professor Emeritus of...
william_h_calvin's picture
Theoretical Neurobiologist; Affiliate Professor Emeritus,...
kevin_kelly's picture
Senior Maverick, Wired; Author, What Technology Wants and...
juan_enriquez's picture
Managing Director, Excel Venture Management; Co-author (...
nick_bostrom's picture
Professor, Oxford University; Director, Future of Humanity...
douglas_rushkoff's picture
Media Analyst; Documentary Writer; Author, Throwing Rocks...
marcelo_gleiser's picture
Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy, Dartmouth College...
ed_regis's picture
Science writer; Author, Monsters
rodney_a_brooks's picture
Panasonic Professor of Robotics (emeritus); Former Director...
george_dyson's picture
Science Historian; Author, Analogia
john_gottman's picture
Psychologist; Co-founder, The Gottman Relationship...
karl_sabbagh's picture
Producer; Founder, Managing Director, Skyscraper...
gregory_paul's picture
Independent Researcher; Author, The Princeton Field Guide...
timothy_taylor's picture
Jan Eisner Professor of Archaeology, Comenius University in...