andy_clark's picture
Professor of Cognitive Philosophy, Department of Philosophy...
clifford_pickover's picture
Author, The Math Book, The Physics Book, and The Medical...
david_m_buss's picture
Professor of Psychology, University of Texas, Austin;...
joseph_traub's picture
Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University;...
robert_provine's picture
Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, Baltimore...
rafael_n_ez's picture
Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, University of...
john_allen_paulos's picture
professor of mathematics at Temple University
stephen_m_kosslyn's picture
Founding Dean, Minerva Schools at the Keck Graduate...
tor_n_rretranders's picture
Writer; Speaker; Thinker, Copenhagen, Denmark
lee_smolin's picture
Physicist, Perimeter Institute; Author, Einstein's...
susan_blackmore's picture
Psychologist; Visiting Professor, University of Plymouth;...
izumi_aizu's picture
Executive Director, Institute for HyperNetwork Society;...
eberhard_zangger's picture
Managing director of science communications
geoffrey_miller's picture
Evolutionary psychologist, NYU Stern Business School and...
henry_warwick's picture
artist, composer, and scientist
al_seckel's picture
Cognitive neuroscientist; Author, Optical Illusions: The...
david_post's picture
Professor of Law at Temple University
lawrence_m_krauss's picture
Theoretical Physicist; Foundation Professor, School of...
nicholas_humphrey's picture
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, London School of...
tracy_quan's picture
Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl: A Nancy Chan Novel.
david_deutsch's picture
Physicist, University of Oxford; Author, The Beginning of...
j_doyne_farmer's picture
Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University; Director,...
stewart_brand's picture
Founder, the Whole Earth Catalog; Co-founder, The Well; Co-...
michael_shermer's picture
Publisher, Skeptic magazine; Monthly Columnist, Scientific...
terrence_j_sejnowski's picture
Computational Neuroscientist; Francis Crick Professor, the...
daniel_mcneill's picture
author of The Face, and principal author of the best-...
colin_tudge's picture
Biologist; Author, Six Steps Back to the Land
pamela_mccorduck's picture
Author, Machines Who Think, The Universal Machine, Bounded...
douglas_rushkoff's picture
Media Analyst; Documentary Writer; Author, Throwing Rocks...
milford_h_wolpoff's picture
Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan; Adjunct...
paul_davies's picture
Theoretical physicist; cosmologist; astro-biologist; co-...
tom_standage's picture
Business Affairs Editor, The Economist; Author, The Edible...
philip_w_anderson's picture
Nobel Laureate; Physicist
sherry_turkle's picture
Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of...
thomas_a_bass's picture
Professor of English and Journalism, State University of...
richard_dawkins's picture
Evolutionary Biologist; Emeritus Professor of the Public...
david_gelernter's picture
Computer Scientist, Yale University; Chief Scientist,...
dan_sperber's picture
Social and Cognitive Scientist; CEU Budapest and CNRS Paris...
verena_huber_dyson's picture
1923-2016; Emeritus Professor, Formerly, Philosophy...
dave_winer's picture
Blogging and RSS Software Pioneer; Editor, Scripting News...
steven_pinker's picture
Johnstone Family Professor, Department of Psychology;...
james_j_odonnell's picture
Classics Scholar, University Librarian, ASU; Author, Pagans
ann_crittenden's picture
Journalist; Lecturer; Author, If You've Raised Kids,...
kai_krause's picture
Software Pioneer; Philosopher; Author, A Realtime...
robert_aunger's picture
Biological Anthropologist; Author, Gaining Control
AI researcher at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit...
judith_rich_harris's picture
Independent Investigator and Theoretician; Author, The...
john_mcwhorter's picture
Professor of Linguistics and Western Civilization, Columbia...
howard_rheingold's picture
Communications Expert; Author, Smart Mobs
david_berreby's picture
Journalist; Author, Us and Them
kevin_kelly's picture
Senior Maverick, Wired; Author, What Technology Wants and...
philip_w_anderson's picture
Nobel Laureate; Physicist
jay_ogilvy's picture
a cofounder of GBN, a Partner in the Monitor Group of...
leon_m_lederman's picture
Director emeritus of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
sylvia_paull's picture
founder of Gracenet
david_haig's picture
George Putnam Professor of Biology, Harvard University;...
jason_calacanis's picture
Internet Entrepreneur; Angel Investor
joseph_ledoux's picture
Professor of Neural Science, Psychology, Psychiatry, and...
john_horgan's picture
Director, Center for Science Writings, Stevens Institute of...
lance_knobel's picture
Independent Writer and Strategist
martin_rees's picture
Former President, The Royal Society; Emeritus Professor of...
stephen_schneider's picture
climatologist, is a professor in the Department of...
william_h_calvin's picture
Theoretical Neurobiologist; Affiliate Professor Emeritus,...
howard_gardner's picture
Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard...
karl_sabbagh's picture
Producer; Founder, Managing Director, Skyscraper...
judith_rich_harris's picture
Independent Investigator and Theoretician; Author, The...
joel_garreau's picture
Principal, The Garreau Group
stanislas_dehaene's picture
Neuroscientist; Collège de France, Paris; Author, How We...
denis_dutton's picture
Philosopher; Founder and Editor, Arts & Letters Daily;...
george_dyson's picture
Science Historian; Author, Analogia
mark_hurst's picture
Founder of Internet consulting firm Creative Good
roger_schank's picture
CEO, Socratic Arts Inc.; John Evans Professor Emeritus of...
raphael_kasper's picture
physicist, is Associate Vice Provost for Research at...
margaret_wertheim's picture
science writer and commentator
robert_provine's picture
Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, Baltimore...
kenneth_w_ford's picture
Retired Director of the American Institute of Physics
piet_hut's picture
professor of astrophysics at the Institute for Advanced...
david_g_myers's picture
Professor of Psychology, Hope College; Co-author,...
jordan_pollack's picture
Professor and Chairman of Computer Science, Brandeis...
randolph_nesse's picture
Research Professor of Life Sciences, Director (2014-2019),...
eduardo_punset's picture
Scientist; Spanish Television Presenter; Author, The...
timothy_taylor's picture
Jan Eisner Professor of Archaeology, Comenius University in...
alun_anderson's picture
Senior Consultant (and former Editor-in-Chief and...
marek_kohn's picture
rodney_a_brooks's picture
Panasonic Professor of Robotics (emeritus); Former Director...
keith_devlin's picture
Mathematician; Executive Director, H-STAR Institute,...
john_d_barrow's picture
Cosmologist; Physicist; Professor of Mathematical Science,...
brian_goodwin's picture
Professor of Biology at Schumacher College
christopher_phillips's picture
Author, Socrates Cafe